Journey Beyond, experiential tourism brand, achieves 150% increase in CTR with the power of customer match.

“We put our data in and saw a 60 percent match rate, straight off the bat, which was great for us. And when we compared CTRs of activity from News Corp’s ecosystem to the typical purchase of display advertising, we saw 150 per cent increase.”
Wade Stokes, Group Manager, Digital and Loyalty, Journey Beyond
The Challenge
Between 2022 and 2023, Journey Beyond, an experiential tourism brand sought to increase brand awareness and drive consumers through the funnel for Outback Spirit Tours.
However, with a niche target market of affluent travellers, they needed to ensure their campaign reached the right intenders at the right moment.
Journey Beyonds knew Outback Spirit Tours customers represented a high yield and repetition opportunity – however a small customer base.
The goal was to understand Outback Spirit Tours customers, what matters most to them, and reach them the moment they displayed signs of intent within the travel category.
The Strategy & Solution
Utilising Intent Connect’s privacy led Customer Match CSV Upload allowed Journey Beyond to strategically reach Outback Spirit Tours customers at scale with News Australia – pinpointing moments of high-intent as they transitioned from a passive travel enthusiast, to a high-intent traveller.
This strategy was combined with impactful rich media that ran across the News Network’s number 1 travel destination (reaching nearly *4 million Australians every month), engaging their customers in moments of relevant context and intent, maximising the performance impact.
The Results
Journey Beyond achieved a match rate of 60% with News’ Customer Match Suite.
The optimised Customer Match campaign delivered significant engagement, achieving a click through rate of 0.99%; a 150% CTR increase compared with Journey Beyond’s original targeting.
The ScrollX unit, an impactful mobile first rich media format, achieved a 1.12% CTR on the optimised Customer Match segment, 409% above the News Australia ScrollX benchmark.
The optimised Customer Match segment also delivered a 0.47% CTR on the Truskins format, 62% above the Truskins benchmark.
*IPSOS Iris, March 2024; GAM, Oct – Nov, 2023; Journey Beyond, 2023; LiveRamp, April 2024